Navigating Medical Needs
Improving your health, together
All residents’ needs are assessed at intake, and appropriate supportive services are offered. This may include connecting them to community services, such as visiting nurses, to ensure that after surgery or illness they can return to the Veteran’s Place to recover. This allows a Veteran to receive skilled nursing care and rehabilitation

therapy in their home setting while working to identify permanent housing.
Once residents are healthy, we continue to prepare them for transition by offering counseling and supportive services at each step in their journey toward independence. Simultaneously, housing forms are filled out and sent in for approval, disabilities ratings are assessed and resubmitted for increases, and employment options are explored in the area where the resident wishes to reside.
We also help find outside providers for those Veterans who need assistance with self-care in areas such as personal hygiene, healthy eating, taking medications as prescribed, and housekeeping. As our Veteran population ages, we also monitor each individual’s ability to live independently. When necessary, Veterans who can no longer live independently due to adverse health conditions are transitioned to skilled nursing facilities, which are better able to provide a higher level of care. The Veterans’ Place is not equipped to provide the advanced level of nursing and hospice care these men require.
Each resident has access to a personal safe in their room to secure their medications, which are given to them in a weekly supply. Their bottles of medications are locked in a med cabinet in a locked med room. This keeps medications safe from theft by other residents and prevents potential misuse of medications that can happen if residents have access to a full or multi-month’s supply of their medication.
Harry Olin Simpson, current resident
“I am one of a number of veterans residing at the Veterans’ Place, Inc. In reflecting on my year I continue to be amazed at the amount of support I have received in a very short period of time: clothing, daily meals, and shelter, to list a few. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be on my way to renting an apartment, saving money for a car, and/or securing a stable job would have told you it was impossible. Veterans’ Place, Inc. has in no small way made all of this possible and I am eternally grateful to the staff and those who have donated to make it possible.
Thank You!” - Harry Olin Simpson, current resident
Ready to apply?
Contact us and our staff will work with you to determine if you or an interested applicant is eligible for our services. Call (802) 485-8874.
Please Note: As a result of COVID-19 and for the foreseeable future, we are only accepting veteran applications from the White-River Junction service area. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact us.