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The VP Bulletin
A Continuous catalog of life at the Veterans' Place
A note of gratitude
Dear Friends of the Veterans’ Place,
I would like to take this moment to personally thank you for your donation to the Veterans’ Place this year. Although we acknowledge all donors in our Annual Report, your generosity deserves an extra special acknowledgment because we are certainly living in a whole different world in 2020.
The Veterans’ Place is extremely blessed to continue to have its regular loyal donors, and this year we made some new friends who have made generous donations, monetary and in-kind. The board of directors, our residents, and our staff wish to extend our sincere appreciation to all who have given from their hearts this year. We realize there are many individuals, families, and businesses that are hurting financially right now, so to continue to have such generous friends as yourselves have meant more than you could know.
Our Veterans’ Place program, like so many other homes and businesses, has looked a whole lot different since last spring. As managing director, my major priority has been to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible. In April, when Governor Scott executed the “Stay at Home Order,” all staff with the exception of myself were asked to stay at home until it was safe to return. The residents were asked not to leave the property except to go for a safe walk outside or a ride in their car. Everyone was armed with facemasks and hand sanitizer. I did all the shopping for their necessities once a week.
In addition, everyone pitched in to keep the house clean and sanitized. We got used to video conferencing for weekly case management and appropriate VA appointments. Zoom, WebEx, Tele-Health and phone conferencing became our norm. When the weather cooperated we planned cookouts for dinner, outdoor movie nights, bocce ball, corn hole, horseshoes, and sitting around the propane firepit. Anything to fill the long, lonely hours. When things eased up a bit this summer and fall, we planned safe field trips. I am happy to report, that due to our efforts, we have so far been 100% successful in keeping the virus out of our home!
Sadly, heading into late fall, we again had to post “No Visitors” signs on the doors, with the exception of essential, masked personnel. My staff, the residents, and I continue to work diligently to keep the house safe and virus free. This means our holidays and winter will look very different and much lonelier than ever before. We won’t be allowed to share our Thanksgiving meal with family and friends; nor will we be able to host Christmas parties with all the volunteer organizations as have for 11 plus years. We will miss all of you, but at the same time, we continue to hope and look forward to the day we can open our doors to visitors again. Until then, our wishes go out to everyone for a safe, healthy winter.
Karen M. Boyce, Managing Director
A veteran's family carved pumpkins with our residents
Field trip to the Veterans Cemetery
Field trip to Camp Johnson and the 158 Air Wing
A warm visit (as always!) with our friends from the United Veteran Motorcyclists of Vermont and the American Legion Riders from the AL post in Hardwick